Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blind Contour Drawings

I have seen a lot of this work on the web and what I noticed was that the artists were generally quite self satisfied with their work. The project (assignment) is usually described as looking at a subject and making the drawing of the same without looking at the subject. The number of assigned repetions vary. I decided to do the project myself and being somewhat masochistic I decided to do thirty hours as recommended by one teacher. I used a timer and tracker to keep myself honest and over 2 months have produced over 300 drawings . . .and racked up about 20 actual hours. The project is difficult for me but rewarding as I have learned to see and appreciate minute details that I have always missed before. I am much more patient in the looking aspects of drawing.

Further, I have realized that humans really only see in abstraction. They take all the little abstract afferemena and organize it in their brains to produce a useful meaning. Ya I know this is likely not a new finding.

I am posting a Blind Contour Drawing of a Geisha and a cat, taken from a historical drawing of the same, artist unknown. I dont think there is enough resemblance to violate any copywrite . . . but well anyway. As abstract as this is . . . it is beautiful to me.

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