Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Stocking Project

I knitted seven Christmas stockings many years ago and now it is time to knit some more. However, in the meantime I lost the original pattern book, so I made up a new pattern. It is better because it does not have a seam up the back and because the stockings are not as big. In addition I decided to make them from a wool/acrilyc blend yarn. My knitting style has also changed over the years.

I also have been frustrated by knitting patterns in general. Specifically because they are written in a knitting abbreviations. There is no place to check off rows as you go and it is easy to get mixed up. I designed a knitting worksheet that specifies exactly what is happening in each row and there is a place to check off each row. I might try this for other patterns as well. It makes sense, really.
In the end I have a book that has my new pattern, the alphabet patterns, the design patterns for these stockings and a few extra resources.

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