Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rose 27

Rose 26

Rose 25

Rose 24

Letters for Birthday Present Decorations

I decorated a grandaughters birthdays gifts with pretty letters!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Rose 23

Rose 22

Rose 21

Rose 20

Rose 40a Abstraction

What can I say . . . I couldn't stay in the real world today. There are 20 rose drawings between the last rose post and this. I will post them. I promise

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Two Pears on Two Tables

What I am exploring here is how far apart do things need to be so they are not connected. What I have created is a sense of tension . . .like they should be closer together to make us feel more comfortable.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Strawberry and Pear Drawings

Oh, no I don't have a rose to draw . . . so I am drawing some fruits in the meantime. The point of this whole exercise is to try to draw without measuring. In other words, to get the feel for the ratios, proportions, shapes and values without referring to a photo or using a ruler. That is, to internalize the measuring process and to then export that to the kinetic act of the drawing itself. Of note, these drawings are current to the date while the roses I am posting are backdated. There are about 16 more rose drawings to post.

Rose 20 An Abstraction

I was having trouble staying on the task so I just went with the flow and this is what came out. I hated it at first but it is actually kinda interesting.

Rose 18a and Rose 18b

Ha, ha, the numbering is not very good here I have posted them in the correct order though

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rose 16

Rose 15

Rose 14

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rose 13

Rose 12

Monday, April 14, 2008

Rose 11

Rose 10

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rose 9

Rose 8

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rose 7

Rose 6

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rose 5

Rose 4

Here you can see that the elements of the rose are starting to individuate in my brain.

Even an Empty Cup is Full of Space

Doodles and dense drawing of junk on table

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rose 3

Rose 2a

Well, the numbering is going to be a little weird (obviously). Because I decided to include the first drawing which was not going to be part of the series, but on second thought, it was part of the series. So this is really the third, but it is labeled the second. Oh, the misery of keeping things that are evolving straight. It is not really necessary. The next rose, labeled 3 . . . (really number 4) will put the numbering straight. Until somewhere around twenty when I did an abstraction and was mad and refused to give it a number. Whatever. Maybe that is what I should do . . . make the point that the numbers, for reference will have some deviations, but I will do the best I can.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Rose 2

I have started a project to draw roses from life. I am thinking that it will be interesting to draw the same subject as it changes and as I get new ones. I am going to publish them here to show the progression.